356 Porsche Technical and Restoration Guide


SKU: 356 Porsche Technical and Restoration Guide Category:


This is a “how-to” book is compiled from technically oriented articles originally published in the first twenty years of the 356 Registry magazine.

Just about all aspects of 356 Porsche ownership, restoration and mechanical repair are covered by real world people who actually got their hands dirty finding out the hard way! Topics range from carburetor and gearbox rebuilding to rust repair, detailing and proper storage. A detailed table of contents makes this reference a pleasure to use.

The text was reviewed by a panel of Registry experts to assure that the information was accurate and up to date. In most cases the illustrations that accompanied the original text have been included or improved versions substituted.

Softbound, 416 pages, 131 illustrations

Dimensions: 6″ x 9″

Item: #75810